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The Pacific Islanders in Publishing Team

Pacific Islanders in Publishing was created to amplify the many cultures and peoples across Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia in publishing. We're here to support creators and publishing professionals of Pacific Islander descent.

Keala Kendall (she/her)

Keala is a Kanaka Maoli writer of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. How Far I'll Go is her YA debut novel (Disney-Hyperion, 2025). She is represented by Jennifer March Soloway at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. Website

  • Twitter - Keala Kendall
  • Instagram - Keala Kendall

Manuia Heinrich (she/her)

Manuia Heinrich is a Mā'ohi writer of Young Adult fiction and researcher with a PhD in Pacific Studies from Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. She lives in Aotearoa New Zealand. She is represented by Marin Takikawa of the Friedrich Agency. Website

  • Twitter - Manuia Heinrich
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Kealani Netane (she/her)

Kealani Netane is a Hawaiian/Samoan children's writer and the author of Tala Learns to Siva. She is represented by Ellen Goff at HG Literary. Website

  • Twitter - Kealani Netane
  • Instagram - Kealani Netane

Contact Us

To contact the team directly, email or you can follow us online to reach us over social media. We also have a growing Discord community open to all Pacific Islander creators (regardless of where they are in their publishing journey), publishing professionals, artists, and influencers.


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Please note any individual, organization, or corporation's inclusion on Pacific Islanders in Publishing's website should not be seen or interpreted as a sign of affiliation. Any individual or organization included on our list can opt out by emailing us directly at pacificislanderbooks(@)

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