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Books Published in October - December 2024

We are excited to share all the books we could find that were written or illustrated by Pacific Islander creators published in October, November, or December 2024. Direct links to buy the books are below. Please also request these books at your local libraries and bookstores. If we are missing any books, please reach out to us so we can add them. If you are a Pacific Islander creator with a book coming out soon, please let us know!

Children's Fiction

Picture Books / Board Books

Middle Grade & Young Adult

Children's Non-Fiction

  • Dear Moko by Hinemoa Elder (Ngāti Kurī, Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri, Ngāpuhi)

  • Fiji/Viti by Tarisi Vunidilo (Fijian)

  • The Art of Moana 2 by Kalikolehua Hurley (Kanaka Maoli) 

  • Whose Your Name? an anthology by Tamaiti o le Pasifika Class, Wainuiomata Intermediate School, Mila’s Books

General Fiction

  • Hammajang Luck by Makana Yamamoto (Kanaka Māoli)

  • Poorhara by Michelle Rahurahu (Ngāti Rahurahu, Ngāti Tahu, Ngāti Whaoa)

  • Kataraina by Becky Manawatu (Ngāi Tahu)

  • Kāwai: Tree of Nourishment by Monty Soutar (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Awa, Ngai Tai ki Tamaki, Ngāti Kahungunu)

  • Le silence de nos habitudes by Akel Waya (Kanak)

  • The Eldest Girl by Olivia Aroha Giles (Kahungunu, Raukawa, Te Ati Awa, Te Whanau a Apanui)

  • Ani’s Portrait: My String Bag Back Home by Julie Mota Kondi (Papua New Guinean)

  • Remembering, Father and Me by Marlene Dee Gray Potoura (Papua New Guinean)




Note: The ethnicities stated on this blog post were from internet sources where the creators self-identified. Only Pacific Islander ethnicities were included.


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